Why we decided to teach mindfulness in-person.

The accepted fact is that we face a trifecta of dangerous viruses this winter.

But we don’t need to totally isolate.

True, we’ve had 2 years to learn all the advantages of online learning.

So why are we teaching the Mindfulness Workshop in-person now?

1. We know there are high quality masks that prevent virus’s getting through. If you wear one of those, you’re safe.

2. We’re teaching in a room with air conditioning and windows. If the class wants, we can get the air circulating.

3. If the City sends an alert to avoid indoor group meetings, we will switch over to online.

4. Learning mindfulness in-person is more effective and more satisfying than online. Let us explain this one.


We can manage our risk, meet in-person and even be outside. With proper precautions.

Our sangha (a separate group) meets online, but recently decided to meet in-person monthly.

The results are eye-opening. My experience is that our in-person sangha meetings are gratifying at the heart level. I feel really present with real people. I am not miles away, seeing just a postage stamp face. More about

I see the whole body.

True the mouth and nose are covered by masks. But I do get to see the whole, real person. I do get to chat with them after the meeting is ended. And when we go outside we can share snacks together. It’s now a social encounter.

So, we decided. We gathered courage. We’re full-speed ahead with in-person mindfulness classes.

The Mindfulness Workshop starts Tuesday, January24, at 6:30 pm, and runs 8 weeks. It’s for people who want to improve their mental health. I’m Donald Fleck co-teaching with awesome mindfulness teacher Michelle Morrison.

Get the details at our website, LearnMindfulnessNow.com.

Or call or text us at 917-202-5148.